Looks like the world food summit will put pressure on ethanol
Looks to me like the world food summit is going to put pressure on ethanol and biofuel more generally in this report from the Times Online.
View Article1000 entries and what have we learned?
Put out the flags. I’ve reached the 1000 post mark. I started this in October 2006 with an open if sceptical mind. Its been a lot of fun so far. I’ve met a whole bunch of people who have commented on...
View ArticleWorld Bank blames biofuels for rising food prices
The World Bank’s Development Prospects Group blames biofuels for rising food prices. For me the key passages in the 21page pdf are these. The United States is the largest producer of ethanol from maize...
View ArticleUnilever is against mandatory biofuel targets
Unilever is against mandatory biofuel targets, according to the Guardian newspaper this morning. The huge soap-to-food empire is opposed on the basis that switching crops from food to biofuels is...
View ArticleFAO wants biofuel support examined and outlines world biofuel capacity
The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation wants subsisidies, tariffs and tax-breaks for biofuels production examined and possibly reduced in a press release which marks the publication of...
View ArticleDigesters and waste food, a proposal
Interesting article on Report Buyer which says electricity could be generated from waste food about using localised digesters to convert food waste into biofuels.Digesters are one part of the answer...
View ArticleBill Clinton’s ideas for agriculture
Bill Clinton, ex US president, was speaking at world food day recently. He said: “We should go back to a policy of maximum agriculturalself-sufficiency,” Clinton said. While there would always be a...
View ArticleCorn is the foundation of US fast food.
Interesting, if off topic, Maribo has piece on the way that the US fast food industry is built on corn. I’ll have the corn with a side of corn, too.
View ArticleA Short Essay on Biofuels and Related Matters
This is a guest post from Professor David B. Benson (retired), who is a regular commenter on The Big Biofuels Blog.David’s contact details: dbenson@eecs.wsu.edu Biofuel——- Photosynthesis uses only a...
View ArticleFood vs fuel the debate rumbles on
Its 2009 and some things don’t change… the its your fault, no its your fault arguments over how much the biofuel industry is to blame for high food prices is one argument that is bringing some heat to...
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